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Over Wing Exit redesign


Our client asked:


In an undisclosed aircraft development program, Enflexus experts were responsible for leading a task force on a major issue related to the Over Wing Exit [OWE] seal.


The door opening and closing force was above the specification and there were leakage points that the OEM engineering team and its supplier were unable to resolve. The client was searching for a solution.



The project story:


After 4 years of development of the new OWE where the OEM used a new assisted opening system, it was found that the force required to open and close the OWE was above the specified force and persistent leak points were found. After 4 unsuccessful attempts by the OEM to resolve the issue with its supplier, Enflexus expert joined the project and led a task force to find the solution.


The seal was redesigned and requests for structural modifications to the OWE frame were placed.


In order to be able to correct the seal and also reduce the OWE closing and opening forces, not only the seal, but also the kinematics, door frame and the entire door mechanism were redesigned.





The redesign of the OWE seal was another success case for Enflexus experts.


The initial design of the OWE did not consider the seal. At the end of the OWE project, the OEM and its supplier started the seal design. With the late start, it was impossible to have a functional seal design, because the structure and mechanism of the OWE were done and the opening and closing force of the door was already at the limit force allowed, without the seal. As a result, the frame, kinematics, the door mechanism and the seal as well, had to be redesigned.



Lessons learned:


The initial design of the OWE did not consider the seal. At the end of the OWE design phase, the OEM and its supplier started the seal design. With the late start, it was impossible to have a functional seal, because the structure and mechanism of the OWE were done and the opening and closing force of the door was already at the limit of the allowed force, without the seal. As a result, the frame, kinematics, the door mechanism and the seal as well, had to be redesigned. The redesign, new parts and rework had a very hight cost plus more than 13.000 engineering hours.


Starting development considering all components and with support from experts is the key to success.

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