Interflap seals redesign

Our client asked:
In a undisclosed aircraft development program, the Enflexus experts were responsible for leading a task force to resolve an important issue related to the interflap seals.
The interflap seals are located between the inboard and outboard flap panels and, at this case, it is important to highlight that the aircraft has gull wings and flaps with a very pronounced angular movement. The result is a complex environment for the interflap seals.
The OEM structural engineering department has reported that the interflap seal installed on the prototype did not comply with the sealing project directives, not meeting program requirements and jeopardizing the flaps efficiency.
The project story:
After 4.5 years of development of the flaps, and 3 years of developing the interflap seals, the OEM and its supplier released the product for manufacturing and assembly into the first prototype. The matter took on major proportions when it became clear that it was extremely difficulty to install the seals on the flaps, their malfunction and the serious sealing failures still were verified on ground.
The board of the OEM invited Enflexus experts to redesign the seals and presented the challenge of designing and manufacturing functional interflap seals so as not to impact the first flight date (within 1 year).
The final and successful design was completed in 11 months, with the proof-of-concept prototype ready in 4 months. That means the problem root cause was found, the new seal concept was defined and the prototype was detailed and manufactured in only 4 months.
Lessons learned:
The design of the seals started late and with a team without the desirable proficiency in seals and integration into the aircraft. This resulted in a redesign of the seals and rework of the existing flaps to allow the installation of the new seals, had a very high price plus more than 11.000 engineering hours to redesign the interflaps seals, ribs and flap panels. These numbers do not include the resources to review the reports and changes into the certification process.
Starting development considering all components and with support from experts is the key to success.